Ιπτάμενα δελφίνια – Great Success

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UFO circled in red, This incredible picture captures the moment a UFO stalks an RAF Hercules – hovering a MILE above the giant craft. 03 AUG 2009 See SWNS Story SWUFO The mystery silver shape was spotted tracking the military craft as it came to
land at RAF Lyneham, Wilts. A stunned gardener snapped the object, which was travelling smoothly through the sky, as it ‘tracked’ the giant plane at 3.45pm on July 22. The man, who was tending to his plants, rushed to grab his camera as he noticed the sun glinting off the circular surface. Speaking from his home in Westbury, Wilts., yesterday, the 56-year-old said: »I don’t believe in things from outer space but that thing was definitely tracking the plane.

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